Of the things we're talking about, my students aren't using yet; like blogging, wikis, del.i.cious. They're using uTube, FaceBook and text messaging. Some of the ways to with their tools is digital photos so here's a couple ideas.
Get a digital photo album for the library and ask students to pose for pictures with books they have read. Or it could be books in our library they've liked and would recommend. Students come in and see themselves with a book in their hands. Instead of a digital photo album, just use the old eMacs or the display board in the entryway.
Animoto: www.animoto.com. The end of slideshows. Upload digital photos. Of what? Of the front of a new library book, of a website link (enlarged and a photo taken of it), of students working (on task), of the cool media specialist. Add any text that should go in between the slides. Put the slides in order. Prioritize them so the most important or cute ones stay up longer. Submit it and wait for it to be turned into a blazingly cool non-slideshow. 30 second of razzle-dazzle. Upload it to your school website. Over and out!